Saturday, 30 November 2013

Autism reading

I have been reading Temple Grandin's "The Autistic Brain". It has reminded me of the influence that autism has had on my understanding of counseling couples, families and even individuals. There are a number of things that will stand out for people with autism that we often do notice for those who do not have autism. Sensitivities to foods, light, sound, and touch along with the cumulative impact of coping with all that is happening each day. When things pile up no one copes well.

There are a  couple of books that I would suggest you look into if you are trying to learn more about autsim. "The Autistic Brain" is a bit more scientific but still accessible look at more current research and autism. The areas that Temple Grandin understands better are the areas that she develops more. It offers a lot of hope. "Jumbled Jigsaw" by Donna Williams is a book that tackles the many pieces that people often associate with autism and looks at how addressing these other problems can help the individual better cope with the normal struggles that they face. 

What I would find really interesting is what other people are reading that they would direct me to. If I was going to be providing autism consulting services to you or your child, what should I read to prepare me?

1 comment:

  1. Mindblindness by Simon Baron Cohen; Understanding other minds: perspectives from social cognitive neuroscience by Baron-Cohen, Tager-Flusberg, and Lombardo.
